Moores Law

mooreslawIn an April, 1965 issue of Electronics Magazine, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore stated that the complexity of integrated circuits would double in 24 months. Douglas Englebart had also made a similar observation earlier, but Moore expounded on it in the magazine article, saying that by 1975 the number of components per integrated circuit for minimum cost will be 65,000 and that they would fit on a single wafer. It was later called “Moore’s Law” by Caltech professor Carver Mead.

The popular formulation is the doubling of transitors on integrated circuits, but by the end of the 70s it was the limit for the number of transistors on the most complex chips. It is also common to cite Moore’s law to refer to the rapidly continuing advance in computing power per unit cost.

Larry Roberts

robertsLarry Roberts was an integral part of the formation of ARPANet as one of it’s chief designers, and was also the first to connect two computers to one another via dedicated phone lines, proving that such connections were possible. After receiving a PhD from MIT , he heard the inspiring words of  J.C.R. Licklider at a conference and was enamored with the idea of computer networks.

At the time he was working at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, and in 1965 a connection was proposed from Lincoln’s TX-2 computer to System Development’s Q-32 in Santa Monica. ARPA agrees to this and Lincoln appoints Roberts supervisor. The link is established over a four wire Western Union telephone line, allowing the machines to send messages to one another. Later ARPA would recruit Roberts to head it’s computer networking program, and he becomes one of Arpanet’s greatest advocates and primary architects, leading to the first multiple computer network.

Acoustically Coupled Modem

acousticmodemThe acoustically coupled modem, which sends digital data over phone lines as audio pulses, was invented in the early 1960’s, but it wasn’t until John Van Geen at the Stanford Research Institute improved the device that it became available for general use. Phone companies at this time did not allow unapproved devices to be attached to phone lines, but Van Geen won approval for the modem by making it mimic the characteristics of an ordinary handset. He also greatly improved the ability of the modem to extract data bits from the background hiss of standard telephone connections. Until the 1980’s acoustic modems operated by inserting a standard phone handset into the two soundproofed depressions on the modem chassis.

The acoustic modem set off the era of the so-called “dumb terminal” – a video display that could do nothing in and of itself unless hooked up to a remote computer via a modem. The era lasted until the late 1970’s when computers became small enough for the display monitor to sit on top of the computer itself. Later things shifted again when the internet was born and most computers connected to other remote servers to view and send data.

Object Oriented Programming

programming2In recent years, object-oriented programming has emerged as the dominant computer programming style, and object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java enjoy wide use in academia and industry. Object-oriented languages dominate procedural languages in certain software-engineering categories, but not in others. Further progress may involve adapting and reintroducing principles that are already well understood and widely exploited in procedural languages.

Object-oriented software is all about objects. An object is a “black box” which receives and sends messages. A black box actually contains code (sequences of computer instructions) and data (information which the instructions operates on). Traditionally, code and data have been kept apart.

Not so for object-oriented software! In oop (object-oriented programming), code and data are merged into a single indivisible thing — an object. This has some big advantages.