America Online (AOL) and Time Warner announce the largest corporate merger in U.S. history, a transaction valued at $183 billion on the day it is made public. The takeover marks the first time a new corporate giant created by the Internet boom uses the “new economy” value of its stock to acquire an older Fortune 500 company. The new AOL Time Warner becomes the fourth-largest company in the United States and is valued at $342 billion.
This Day In Tech History
- 1938 - The first outline of the Harvard Mark I is circulated at IBM.
More Tech History
The TENEX operating system is released.
The RCA COSMAC CDP 1802 becomes the first microprocessor in space on board the Voyager I spacecraft.
The Cray 1 becomes the first commercially successful vector processor.
CP/M is developed, a popular operating system for personal computers.
MIT proposes the Spatial Data Management System to DARPA.
Apple Computer is founded.
Interface Age Magazine's first issue goes on sale.
Chromemco is incorporated.
The Cromemco Dazzler is released. It's the first commercially available graphics card for microcomputers.
Vector Graphic is officially registered as a company.
The first ComputerLand computer store opens.