sabre1In the late 1950s, IBM teamed with American Airlines to devise a teleprocessing solution — SABRE. When fully implemented, SABRE established a dominant design for reservations processing that was copied throughout the airline industry. Functional enhancements transformed SABRE from a reservations system into a passenger services system that supported many additional aspects of airline operations. This led to being co-opted by other airlines, and it became the de-facto reservation system in the U.S. for decades.

Widespread access to SABRE for travel agents coincided with regulatory reform that was redefining competition in the industry. SABRE was later transformed again into a sales distribution system. American Airlines’ management exploited SABRE’s latent economies of scale and scope to survive, and ultimately thrive, in a deregulated environment.

oNLine System (NLS)

nls2The oNLine System, or NLS, was created by Douglas Englebart and the Augmentation Research Center team at Stanford Research Institute. The computer system was years ahead of it’s time, designed as a collaboration system, it employed the use of hypertext, the mouse, video monitors, and many other aspects of today’s modern computers.

Funding came from U.S. agencies ARPA and NASA as well as the U.S. Air Force. It was designed around an SDS 940 time sharing computer. With a 96MB storage disk, it could support up to 16 workstations equipped with a mouse, monitor and what was known as a chord keyset. Devlopment was done in 1968 and it was demonstrated publicly in San Francisco December 8th, 1968. Eventually the system would be outdated by a steep learning curve and the emergence of the distrubuted computing model.

LINC (Laboratory Instrument Computer)

lincFrom “Laboratory Instrument Computer (LINC): The Genesis of a Technological Revolution” by Samuel A. Rosenfeld

Personal computers, now as ubiquitous as typewriters, are direct descendants of the LINC, an invention made some two decades ago, at the close of the paleo/computing era. In the early 1960’s, digital computers were accorded the reverence of religious totems. Massive machines engendered a mystique that daunted even the most adventurous biomedical researchers. It was an age when computers were untouchable, except through the ministrations of computer acolytes; a time when programs, once relinquished to the computer center, would be run and returned in about as long as it took a suit to be cleaned (special rush jobs — 24-hour service); when computers resided in large glassed-in sanctuaries, with signs warning “Do Not Enter.” In short, a time of hands off. Only the privileged priestly caste — designers, operators, system programmers — could gain direct access to a digital computer, and they understood what the others were missing. Computer economics encouraged the status quo. An hour on the IBM 7090, a common large commercial machine, circa 1960 (some of today’s micros are as powerful), cost $100 or more. The image of programmers pondering an elusive bug at such rates could turn any cost-conscious administrator green.

The computer landscape was almost completely dominated by IBM megaliths. With about 85 percent of the computer market, they ignored what came to be called “minicomputers.” With its investment in large computers such as the 7094, and the introduction of the 360 series machine, IBM had decided to push large “systems” which were wildly expensive for most laboratory applications. Perhaps most importantly, these systems were simply inappropriate for most laboratory uses. Small companies like Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) sold digital equipment for the lab, but they were building blocks not computers.

In this environment, two groups at MIT came up with different approaches to encourage direct access. The first, called “time-sharing,” was intended to create the illusion for a number of users that each was in control of a large machine — in the first experiment, an IBM 7090. The basic idea was to slice a second into, say, 20 slivers, so that each of 20 users would be addressed in turn every second for 50 milliseconds. In such a system, a programmer would be charged for three minutes of computer time every hour. This approach allowed programmers to find design errors and to debug their programs much more efficiently than with the old “batch” mode of access.

About 10 miles away from the main campus, at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory, in Lexington, Massachusetts, a different approach emerged. While participating in designing two highly advanced computers, TX-0 and TX-2, under Navy sponsorship, Wesley Clark realized that time sharing was not the only solution to the problem of direct access. Having designed a special-purpose machine for brain research, Clark understood how computers could transform the biomedical laboratory. Direct access was crucial, but for Clark, that also meant complete “ownership” of the machine. As he put it, “a computer should be just another piece of lab equipment.” In 1961 this notion was heretical. Computers were too expensive and veiled in mystery for most biomedical researchers. Even at MIT’s prestigious neighbor, Harvard, advanced experiment control meant a rack of clicking relays, clumsy to change and seriously limited in interpretive power.

Clark, who had contributed substantially to the development of the large TX-0 and TX-2 computers, had seen small but inconvenient CDC-160’s used in a few labs. He proposed building a relatively inexpensive, general-purpose computer that could be controlled easily by biomedical researchers, but his suggestions were met with indifference by Lincoln Lab’s management. The Air Force was paying most of the bills for operational support and biomedical applications were not high on the agenda. However, with encouragement and support by William Papian, the group leader, Clark continued to work on his idea for a small computer. Papian, one of the developers of ferrite core memories, a landmark in computer design, understood the implications of Clark’s ideas. Despite a lukewarm reaction from Fred Frick, director of division 6, Clark disappeared from the lab for about 3 weeks in 1961, and returned with a complete design for a small computer, with characteristics that marketing representatives would later call “user friendly.”

Clark’s computer was designed to satisfy four basic criteria: easy to program, easy to communicate with while in operation, easy to maintain, and able to process biotechnical signals directly. No computer in the early 1960’s could come close to fulfilling those objectives. Later, Clark added two shrewd criteria: it could not be too high to see over, and it must cost at most $25,000, the amount a lab director could spend without higher-level approval. The guideline for the height of the machine, which at first seems only whimsical, indicated Clark’s belief that a machine should not intimidate its owner — no awe-inspiring Golem for Clark.

Despite increasing pressure from Frick to support defense-related work at Lincoln Lab, Bill Papian and Wes Clark were determined to build a prototype machine — a concrete test of Clark’s design. Rather than designing new circuits, Clark decided to use modules manufactured by DEC, a company founded by Kenneth Olsen, who once had worked for Bill Papian at Lincoln Lab. DEC modules, components of a kind of electronic erector set, were in fact based on the digital circuits of the TX-2. Although the packaging was new, the circuits were familiar to Clark and his associates. So, in 1962, using off-the-shelf DEC modules, Clark and his associates put together a working computer. With a bow to Lincoln Lab and a pun on the feature linking the user closely to the machine, they dubbed the computer “LINC.”

IBM 1401

ibm1401Announced in October 1959, the 1401 was equipped with ferrite-core memories having capacities of 1,400, 2,000 or 4,000 characters. The system could be configured to use punched-cards and magnetic tape, and could be used either as a stand-alone computer or as a peripheral system for larger computers. The 1401 processing unit could perform 193,300 additions of eight-digit numbers in one minute.

The monthly rental for a 1401 was $2,500 and up, depending on the configuration. By the end of 1961, the number of 1401s installed in the United States alone had reached 2,000 — representing about one out every four electronic stored-program computers installed by all manufacturers at that time. The number of installed 1401s peaked at more than 10,000 in the mid-1960s, and the system was withdrawn from marketing in February 1971.


pdp1From the PDP-1 handbook, 1960

The Programmed Data Processor (PDP-1) is a high speed, solid state digital computer designed to operate with many types of input-output devices with no internal machine changes. It is a single address, single instruction, stored program computer with powerful program features. Five-megacycle circuits, a magnetic core memory and fully parallel processing make possible a computation rate of 100,000 additions per second. The PDP-1 is unusually versatile. It is easy to install, operate and maintain. Conventional 110-volt power is used, neither air conditioning nor floor reinforcement is necessary, and preventive maintenance is provided for by built-in marginal checking circuits.

PDP-1 circuits are based on the designs of DEC’s highly successful and reliable System Modules. Flip-flops and most switches use saturating transistors. Primary active elements are Micro-Alloy-Diffused transistors. The entire computer occupies only 17 square feet of floor space. It consists of four equipment frames, one of which is used as the operating station.

MOBIDIC (MOBile Digital Computer)

MOBIDICSylvania delivered the first MOBIDIC (MOBile Digital Computer) to the U.S. Army in 1959 after winning the bid for a transistorized computer that could automate the flow of information on the battlefield, taking messages in any form and passing them to their destination. This concept was called Fieldata by the Signal Corps and MOBIDIC was referred to as the AN/MYK-1.

The mobile system consisted of two semi trailers, one housing the computer and another running the generator for power. A handful of models were produced, including a dual CPU version that was installed at the Army’s Tactical Ops Center. The military soon found that the system was useful in other areas including logistics and supply, and eventually used it for ordnance supply and control. The Fieldata project was cancelled in 1962, and all of the MOBIDC systems that remained were sold or moved to supply operations where they continued to operate for many years.

A commercial model of the MOBIDIC was released as the Sylvania 9400, but only two were ordered by the Pentagon and California General Telephone. Sylvania abruptly left the market due to rising costs. General Telephone cancelled their order and since the machine was already built it wound up being used internally by Sylvania.

Although not very many of these machines were built and they were not well known, they are directly linked to an important computer history milestone; the Fieldata project heavily influenced the creation of ASCII years later. All development on the Fieldata project was done on the MOBIDIC systems, and it was the original, internal character set for the 1100 series UNIVACs built by Unisys. The Fieldata character set was the default in Unisys computers until 1996.

IBM 7030 Stretch

stretchThe IBM 7030 Data Processing System — or “Stretch” computer — was delivered in April 1961, offering a performance that was 200 times faster than the IBM 701, 40 times faster than the IBM 709 and seven times faster than the IBM 7090. Although the 7030 was the industry’s fastest computer in 1961, its performance was far less than originally predicted. IBM cut its price from $13.5 million to $7.8 million and offered the 7030 to only eight customers.

Bendix G-15

bendixG15The Bendix G-15 was a vacuum tube computer produced by the Bendix Corporation in 1956. It was unique for its time because of its size and pricing compared to other computers of the era. At only 5 x 3 feet and a cost of about $60,000 for a working model, it was an affordable computer and was marketed to the scientific and industrial sectors. Although it’s designer had worked with Alan Turing and the ACE and SWAC computers, it was phased out when Control Data Corporation took over the company’s computer division in 1963.

A serial-architecture machine like the ACE, it used a magnetic drum but was unable to retain memory when it was shut down. It had over 180 vacuum tube packs and included peripherals like a typewriter, photoelectric tape reader, and a high speed paper tape punch. Around 400 were produced and it was used heavily in civil engineering.


ramac305From an IBM press release, 1956 | IBM History.

The 650 RAMAC and 305 RAMAC both utilize the magnetic disk memory device announced as experimental by IBM a year ago. Both machines are the first of a planned line of equipment designed for high-volume, in-line processing of business data. Transactions are processed continuously, as they occur, instead of being held until a group is accumulated, sorted and batch processed. In a single step, all records affected by a transaction will be immediately adjusted to account for the change.

The 650 RAMAC combines the IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Data Processing Machine with a series of disk memory units which are capable of storing a total of 24-million digits. The 305 RAMAC is an entirely new machine which contains its own input and output devices and processing unit as well as a built-in 5-million-digit disk memory. Both machines operate according to a program of electronically stored instructions.

An advanced feature of the new continuous accounting machines is the method by which the memory may be interrogated. With the 650 RAMAC, typewriter operators at remote inquiry stations may “ask” the machine for any of the data in the vast memory. Instants later the answer — perhaps a sales total or an inventory figure — appears on the typewriter. The same remote machine may be used to introduce information directly to the memory. The 305 RAMAC may be interrogated in a similar manner directly from the machine’s console.

The monthly charge for 305 RAMAC is $3,200. Prices on the 650 RAMAC will be announced at a later date. Deliveries on both will start in mid-1957 although several test 305 RAMAC’s are being delivered this year.


tx0The TX-0 (Transistorized eXperimental computer 0) was built to aid in the testing of it’s big brother, the TX-2, and many of the features used in the TX-2 were first tested on the TX-0. This was one of the reasons why the TX-0 was originally equipped with 64Kword memory (each word being 18 bits). When work on the TX-0 began, it was not clear if such large magnetic core memories could be built.

The memory was stripped down to 4Kword memory when it was delivered to RLE but was later upgraded to 8Kword. The 18 bit words used 16 bits to address the original 64Kword memory leaving two bits for instructions. When it became apparent that it would never be equipped with its original 64Kword memory, the three unused address bits were used to add a set of new instructions.